Monday, 28 November 2016

Week 8

Week EIGHT!I am so happy it is almost the end of the semester.In Week 9 we learnt about the curriculum theory and curriculum development.

The sources of theory are philosophy,change theory,organisational development theory,group behaviour and non-mainstream.There are two bases of curriculum theorising which are the scientific theory and philosophical and humanistic theory.The functions of theory are for description,prediction,explanation,guidance.

There is also theory building.Theory building is divided into two parts.Deduction and Induction.

Deductive reasoning works from the more general to the more specific.Sometimes this is informal called a top-down approach.


This works the other way,moving from specific observations to broader generalisations and theories.

There is early curriculum theory started by people like Bobbit and Dewey.In my slides,they started the theory systematic activity and stages of human development respectively but since this blog is for me to state my views I want to say that John Dewey is not the person responsible for the theory of human development but he is for progressive education.The theory of stages of human development can be closely associated to the theory of cognitive development by Jean Piaget.Take a look at the video down below.

I for one,really support Dewey's theory of progressive education.He is basically like a rockstar for modern education.You see,Dewey believes that human beings learn on a hand-ons approach which labels him as a pragmatist.Pragmatists believe that reality must be experienced.I believe this is very true.I have a lot of stories about my secondary school years and I will tell you another story.I studied a lot in secondary school and when I was in secondary school I barely had much hands on experience with any of the experiments.I think I would have done so much better if I did.The teachers would always say that we did not have enough time for experiments or that it was to time consuming but you cannot really blame the teachers because there was really a lot to cover with the short schooling hours we have.They had to rush through the syllabus before the end of the school year which is why I think Malaysian Education system should imply longer schooling hours but in order to help students endure long schooling hours,have breaks in between and air-conditioned classrooms.
There are also theories during the mid-century.Maccias' started curriculum as praxis.Johnson started series of intended learning outcomes and McDonald started the interacting system.

There are also metaphors and theoretical camps.We have the traditionalists,conceptual empiricists,reconceptualist/critical theorists and postmodernists.

-Service to practitioners
-Structural Theorising
Reflection:These people were the researchers and theorist back in the day.Thanks to them we have a ton of theories to use to teach our classes.We owe them a lot but I also think that some of their theories are outdated because of our new changed world.Some theories may apply back them but it may not today
Conceptual Empiricists
-Theory produced through research
-Substantive Theorising(broadly)

Reconceptualists/Critical Theorists
-Distance between theory and practice

-Many ways to interpret or theorise about curriculum(That is us)I think we live in the best day of age whereby there are so many findings we can use to help students improve but sadly many people take our resources for granted and are very selfish.We have so many resources,so many theories but sadly not many people are willing to implement them because they feel like it is too big of a job or that they are too lazy to start a movement.People these days opt for comfort instead of helping other people.They want to teach in big private universities and get paid by the hour instead of helping those poor students in rural areas.This is why many students in rural areas lack so much because of so many inconsiderate hearts and our world that has been driven by money.Here is a quote from my biggest hero.

Next I am going to state my sentiments on Chapter 10 which is curriculum development itself.This chapter talks about the main components of curriculum development is are framing the context,planning the lessons,implementing those lessons,monitoring progress and evaluating learning.Curriculum plans are actually great ways to monitor success.This is what I have learnt in class.I never really taught about it that way though.I guess that is another reason why teachers need lesson plans.

Other than that,there are a few things  you need to consider when planning a curriculum and those things are the learners,the environment,the content(DUH) and the enablers.I will explain each of them in detail.

The Learner
There are many types of learners.Visual learners,kinaesthetic learners,auditory learners,learners who learn better if they were to teach and many more.The thing that bothers me a lot is that every teacher has to have gone through some sort of training before they are assigned to teach in a secondary school but I do not understand how in the world do some teachers use the same teaching technique all the time.Don't they know that every student learns differently.I am sorry but I am going to vent my anger again.I came from a chinese school so I have a lot of anger in my heart for how teachers mistreated me and how they labelled me as dumb.I mean they have to had learn about student psychology in some part of their university life right?I do not get why they still insult and humiliate students who learn differently.As Albert Einstein once said everyone is a genius but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will believe that it is stupid for its whole life.Seriously,these teachers shouldn't be teachers in the first place.As for me I am a visual and auditory learner.I love watching videos on Tedx or any Youtube videos to learn things.I am not the type of person who can sit in front my desk and just study for hours but I can when it comes to watching Youtube videos.

The Learning environment
This includes the people,resources,training and education,development practices and inspiration and motivation.The learning environment is mainly community centred and in Malaysia the community is rather assessment centred.Mr Wan asked us what the learning environment in my school was like and you guessed it.I started to get angry because of all the awful memories I had as a teenager.Malaysian schools are so assessment centred.It is always about the grades or the number of A's in your report card that matters.There was so much anger in my heart whenever I studied in secondary school.I never in my life thought about using the knowledge I have to improve myself or contribute to society.Studying to me was all for the sake of surviving in society.So that I will not get looked down by my peers.You know the stupid thing that my school does is that they paste every student's public examination result on the notice board for the whole year.Don't they ever think about those students who did not do as well?Where is your sense of humanity?I think Malaysian schools should be more learner centred which reminds me of an article I read of Finland's amazing future education system.The link is down below.

Don't let the link fool you.It is actually an amazing idea.

This is probably the MVP of curriculum development.There are two things every teacher has to consider when creating content.They need to analyse subject-matter and also analyse learning.

You really need to ask yourself the importance of the subject.Whether it would be useful for the students in the future.Usually,teachers seek advice from subject-matter experts.To me,knowledge is valuable.Every piece of information is valuable.Even History or as we Malaysians call it,Sejarah is important.No matter how many students may say it is useless but I do believe in having priorities.I think that students should be given an opportunity to drop certain subjects which are not of a higher priority to them because there is a limit to what students can handle in school.I took 9 subjects in SPM but I wish there were only 5 or 6 subjects like what I have in university.This way,I am able to concentrate more and study those five or six subjects in greater depth.When I was in secondary school I wanted to be a Chemical Engineer.I really wanted to focus on my Chemistry,Physics and Add Maths in order to get into that course but I focused too much on subjects like Moral,Sejarah and Bahasa Malaysia.Not that those subjects are not important except for Moral because I hated memorising 36 moral definitions(this is the only exception to my philosophy) but because I think other subjects for my situation should be prioritised.Hence,I did not do so well but I consider myself pretty lucky because I still get to study in university even though I did not do so well.

b)learning analysis

This is something many teachers especially my secondary school teachers do not take account.You need to consider the various learning techniques.That is the whole point of your job.TO TEACH!What is the point of being a teacher if your students do not learn anything.You need to organise your content in an orderly manner so that students can learn progressively.Evaluate whether your students are picking up the material that you have taught with formative tests and always seek feedback from students.Some teachers are just too scared to seek feedback.

The enablers

These are those people or even things and tools that make curriculum possible.Enabling factors include adequacy of resources,time,school ethos,professional support,professional adequacy,professional knowledge,professional attitude and interest and participative leadership.Typing this last point has made me actually quite grateful that I have an education.Although Malaysian's education system is not perfect,I think I should complain less and be grateful for these enabling factors that I am able to receive an education.There are millions of children around the world who are not as fortunate as I am to be getting a tertiary education or any education at all.


Cite a Website - Cite This For Me. (2016). Retrieved 27 November 2016, from
Cite a Website - Cite This For Me. (2016). Retrieved 27 November 2016, from
Cite a Website - Cite This For Me. (2016). Retrieved 27 November 2016, from
The Growth of Knowledge: Crash Course Psychology #18. (2016). YouTube. Retrieved 27 November 2016, from

Saturday, 26 November 2016

Week 7

I cannot believe it is week 7 already.Today in class we learnt about the curriculum approaches which are the behavioural,managerial,system,academic and humanistic approach.We have learnt about these approaches before but today it is much more in depth.Let us go one by one.

Behavioural Approach

This is the oldest approach in the book.It has evolved over the years and it has allowed for research that investigates the mind.Behaviourists believe that students will experience and respond to the curriculum in unique ways,depending on their cultural interpretations and prior life activities which is very true.Let me give you an example,when I was in secondary school,I placed high priorities when it comes to education.The reason why I studied really hard was because of my cultural interpretations.I came from a traditional chinese family whereby education was placed as the highest priority and if you do not do well in your studies your are considered a disgrace and are going to be looked down by your family.

The videos above will give you an idea about what I am trying to state.Hence,I studied for the sake of the grades but not too exactly learn and grow to contribute to society.After joining a youth ministry in church,I have changed my perspective towards curriculum and education as a whole.I now learn for growth,so that I can improve myself to make change in this world.

Managerial Approach

This approach considers the school as a social system reminiscent of organisational theory,whereby groups of people such as students,teachers,curriculum specialists and administrators interact according to certain norms and behaviours.Educators who rely on this approach plan the curriculum in terms of programs,schedules,space,resources and equipment and personnel.A lot of consideration is given to committee and group process,human relations,leadership styles and methods and decision making.This approach tends to focus on instruction that centred around individualisation,departmentalisation,non grading,classroom,grouping and homeroom and works study.It is something like the education system in the states.This is actually a really great approach and I think it is better than most approaches used in Malaysia.If I were to be given choice I would wish for a non grading system because I was to focused on the grades to the extent that I did not care about learning,I only cared about getting good grades so that I will not be looked down upon by my peers but on the other hand,without a graded system some students may not have the motivation to actually study.I like the idea of work study activities,I feel that people's minds work best when they are active and not passive like how our minds always are in traditional classroom settings.
The video above will clarify what I am saying.It has a great message.

System Approach

This approach tends to view various units and sub-units of the organisation in relation to the whole and organisational diagrams,flow charts and committee structures are often diagrammed as curriculum plan is introduced and monitored,sometimes referred to as curriculum.This approach includes the process necessary to plan the curriculum by people like the superintendents,directors,coordinators and principals and the structures.I think this is a good idea because we need professionals to keep track of our standard of education and it has to be done regularly because our world is never static and our education cannot be either because we need to prepare our students for the ever changing world.

Academic Approach

Sometimes referred to as the traditional,encyclopaedia,synoptic,intellectual or knowledge oriented approach.The academic approach tries to analyse and synthesise the major positions,trends and concepts of the curriculum.The approach tends to be historical or philosophical or to lesser extent social science in nature.In this approach,the discussion of curriculum making is usually scholarly and theoretic not practical which to me is not something I would really prefer.I feel that the best way to learn something is with hands on experience and this approach is the approach you often find in chinese schools.You will remember the facts in school quickly but you will also quickly forget because that is how memorisation is.When you experience something for yourself,it is quite hard to forget.

Humanistic Approach

The humanistic approach is focused more on scientific and rational aspects thereby missing the personal and social aspects of curriculum matter,rarely consider the need for self-reflectiveness and self-actualisation among learners and finally overlook the sociopyschological dynamics of classroom and schools.Numerous curriculum activities have emerged mainly at the elementary school level,including lessons based on life experience,group games,group projects,artistic endeavours,dramatisations,field trips,homework and tutorial centres.These activities include creative problem solving and active student participation,socialisation and life adjustment for students as well as stronger family and school-community ties.I think this is an extremely great approach because of the various ways of carrying out a lesson.Many people including myself are bored of the traditional way of learning whereby all students do are just sit in the classroom for hours and absorb everything the teachers are teaching.The world is changing and education should change as well to meet the needs of our ever changing society.

That is all for Topic 7,we also continued with Topic 8 which is about the roles and responsibilities of curriculum workers.Mr Wan started this chapter by asking us who the curriculum workers are.The first people that came to my mind were teachers but there are many other people who deserve the right to be called as curriculum workers and that range goes from teachers to superintendents.

The term curriculum worker is used interchangeably with curriculum supervisor,curriculum leader,curriculum coordinator and curriculum specialist.We also learned about what teachers do as curriculum worker.I was very intrigued by the question because one day I am studying to become a teacher and my dream is to publish my very own textbook which the whole nation would use.I know I have big dreams but you only have one life you are suppose to dream big.There are actually for steps in creating curriculum.I will state my sentiments on each of them.

As Mr Wan said,when you fail to plan,you are planning for failure.A teacher needs to make sure everything is well taught out.They need to know the needs of every student and make sure NO CHILD IS LEFT BEHIND!Thinking about this brings me a lot of painful memories of my past in secondary school.I had many teachers who are ridiculously inconsiderate and I think should not be teachers.I went home crying so many times because of the terrible remarks the teachers gave about me.I feel that these teachers do zero planning when it comes to education.The core value a teacher must have is to be kind,patient and considerate to their students but my secondary school teachers(most of them) were not like that.They would teach and be in their own world and they did not even care about us students.My Physics teacher once told me that he did not even care if I passed my SPM or not.How could he say that?They have this mentality that the reason why we did not do well is because we did not work hard enough or that we are dumb and lazy but I have some news for you teachers who have this stupid mentality.EVERY CHILD IS DIFFERENT!No two people are ever the same.Teachers should take into consideration that we are all different and teach according to the students space and to never put them down when they fail.Teachers always think it's the students problems but did they ever stop to wonder,maybe it is their fault for failing to plan a proper lesson?Think about it.Sorry I needed to vent my anger towards my ignorant secondary school teachers.

EVERY STUDENT IS DIFFERENT.Here's a video to show you that I am not the only one who thinks this way.There are many types of people in this world.

Well to have a content,you need to create.(DUH)Once all the planing is done,teachers have to use their knowledge during their planning to stage and create input for students to learn.The content should meet the needs of students to face the real world and improve themselves.Content should not be too tough for slower students and enrichment content should be given to faster students.That is why some schools prefer to stream their students according to their capabilities,so that teachers will be able to teach the students according to their needs but there are some schools like Lodge school who do not believe in such an implementation because they believe weaker students are able to learn from the smarter students.Hence,they do not have streaming in their school.

What's the use of a creation or content if you do not implement it in class.A teacher should teach the curriculum in their classrooms but there are times when the curriculum is not planned out by a teacher who is carrying a class.It can be implemented by someone else.For example,a teacher is sick and a substitute teacher is given the lesson plan of the sick teacher.Hence,she has to carry out the curriculum of the other teacher.To me,if you are a novice in the classroom and you really believe that the curriculum created by the teacher who has given you an assigned curriculum which you did not create is not worth implementing.You should discuss it with other teachers with more experience before you start teaching your class.Every teacher has different opinions on how classes should be taught.The curriculum could be designed by a very traditional teacher who does not believe much in change but the teacher assigned could be a millennial and thinks there are better and more modern ways to teach a class.That is not to say older teachers do not think modern ways to teach students are great.This is just an example.

I have said it many times and I will say it again.Reflection and evaluation is important for teaching.There is always room for improvement in life and even if you are super great in a certain field.You still are able to improve.You are not God,hence nothing you do will able be perfect but you can always improve yourself.Even if the improvement is minor,you can still brush it up.Slowly but surely,you will see big results when you constantly reflect for improvement.


15 Types Of Students in College Classrooms. (2016). YouTube. Retrieved 27 November 2016, from
15 Types Of Students in College Classrooms. (2016). YouTube. Retrieved 27 November 2016, from
ARE ASIAN STEREOTYPES TRUE?? - Lunch Break!. (2016). YouTube. Retrieved 27 November 2016, from
Cite a Website - Cite This For Me. (2016). Retrieved 27 November 2016, from
Do you HATE your job? - Job Expectations. (2016). YouTube. Retrieved 27 November 2016, from
Growing up ASIAN - Lunch Break!. (2016). YouTube. Retrieved 27 November 2016, from

Friday, 25 November 2016

Week 6

Welcome to the sixth week of class and the topics we touched on were about the domains of curriculum,the domain components and principe,guidelines,types and categories of curriculum.This is going to be a long post,so bear with me.

There are multiple definitions for curriculum.It is that which is taught in schools,a set subjects,content,program of studies and many more but whatever it is it has to be followed.There are also curriculum domains but no specific domains like cognitive,affective and psychomotor.Example of domains are philosophy,theory,research,history,development,design,evaluation,policy and field of study.

During class I learned the types of curriculum again.Let's look at each of them one by one.

Recommended curriculum
This is the curriculum delineated by scholars and professional organisations.

Written curriculum
Curriculum that appears in a state and school district documents

Taught curriculum
Curriculum that teachers attempt to implement

Supported curriculum
Curriculum that helps implement or deliver the curriculum resources such as textbooks and computers.

Assessed curriculum
Curriculum that is tested and evaluated

Learned curriculum
What students actually learn

Hidden curriculum
Unintended curriculum.For example,if a student is being bullied in school,he or she has to learn to defend him or herself.Hence,he learns strategies to prevent himself from being bullied,this is not in the school's normal curriculum,so it is a hidden curriculum.

I also learnt about the three types of implementation approaches which are centralised authority,hybrid model which are practiced in Australia and school autonomy which is practiced in the states.

Moving on,the basis of national curriculum was touched on.It is to promote a world-class curriculum and assessment:
-A solid foundation in skills and knowledge on which further learning and adult life can be built
Reflection:As for me,I do not think our Malaysian Education System is doing so well at preparing us for the adult life when it comes to students in primary and secondary school as compared to countries like Finland,Japan and America.Let me tell you why my sentiments are they way they are.When I was in secondary school,I was not taught the needed skills in order to survive in this world.I took Home economics during my lower form days but we only cooked one meal during the course of three years.The rest was more of memorising whatever are in the textbooks.In schools like Japan,they actually teach their students how to cook their meals.Hence,the obesity percentage in very low.I have been to Japan before and I have not met one person I saw on the streets that looked like they were facing obesity.I think Jamie Oliver's talk on Tedx would really get your attention.

The obesity rate in Malaysia is really high because so many of us were not taught to cook at home.Since more and more people are placing more importance in getting straight A's in their public examinations,many of them lack the necessary life skills.I really think more cooking classes should be held in Malaysian secondary schools.

-deep knowledge and skills that will enable advanced learning and an ability to create new ideas and translate them into practical applications
Reflection:Another point I believe our Malaysian government has failed to implement.Almsot everything in our Malaysian education system is exam centred and we do not have any hands on work for our students to apply their knowledge.Our education system is focused more on passive learning and students are not trained to be thinkers.Mr Wan mentioned that in an Australian classroom,students are encouraged to think and ask questions as compared to a Malaysian classroom whereby most of what we do is sit down and absorb information as much as we could.Definitely not a fun way of learning.

-general capabilities than underpin flexible and critical thinking a capacity to work with others and an ability to move across subject disciplines to develop new expertise
Reflection:They is not much social learning in a Malaysian education system.Teachers rarely encourage us to have group discussions about a topic.Teachers never asked us to share our sentiments about a topic we have learnt but you really cannot blame them because an SPM cert is extremely important to enter tertiary education and SPM examinations are more focused on memorising and not thinking creatively and critically.Hence,teachers do not have time to ask students to do student-centred learning because they want to help students get their SPM certs.

The Australian curriculum,which was what we learnt in class is very different from our education system.We have the almost the same subjects but we learn them differently.Take health and physical education for instance.The westerners place high importance when it comes to sports.Mr Wan even said that they pay professionals to actually help coach their students to be good athletes.I think this is a great idea.I have been watching American television since a young age and I know that the westerners take pride in their sports and they take their games very seriously.If you do not believe me,watch High School Musical.

Furthermore,this chapter also touches on principle,guidelines,types and categories of curriculum.

These are the five principles

Principle1:The essence of curriculum design the need for a conceptual framework
Mr Wan said that back then,students are not allowed to oppose whatever the teachers are teaching.I believe that this is not a good idea.I am against students being rude to teachers but I believe that students should be given a certain amount of authority to give teachers constructive criticism.Some teachers teach so quickly that they are in their own world.All they care about is finishing the syllabus and getting their pay by the end of the month.No teacher should ever do that.Students may be 20 percent of the population of our country but they are a 100 percent our future.A teacher may not be able to change the world but he or she can change a student's life and that is already the world to that student.

Now,there is a new phenomenological approach and it is much better because it is based on the needs of the students which is a good thing because each student is different and we all learn differently.
Principle 2:Conceptualising Attitudes and Beliefs About Learning
There are three orientations that we learnt about which are to develop and understand one's belief towards learning

a)The transmission position which is the one-way teaching
In my slides it states that the function of school is to transmit knowledge,values and facts to students but to me it is wrong because transmission is one-way teaching and whenever learning happens,it is best for it not to be one-way because the sentiments and opinions of students are valuable.

b)Transaction position
This method is a way more effective method because students get to ask teachers questions and are seen as capable individuals who are able to solve problems.

c)the transformation position
focuses on personal and social change
Principle 3:An Epistemological Rationale
Principle 4:The curriculum development/planning process
This is when teachers start their lesson plan.It gives them a view of how to teach the class and make amendments.I suggest that people who are novice in the classroom take this step just in case they have any amendments they want to make.
Principle 5:The Political Realities of Curriculum Development

Other than the principles,we also have the different kinds of curriculum.Which are the :

Overt,explicit or written curriculum
Everything under this group is basically curriculum that teachers are told to teach us with.Our planned curriculum set by the Education Ministry

The hidden or covert curriculum
This is unplanned curriculum.Let us say a student is being bullied in school,he or she would learn strategies to defend him or herself.This is hidden curriculum.

The null curriculum
Sadly,I am a victim of null curriculum.I have had teachers who are not trained in the subject they are teaching but because of the lack of teachers,they are forced to teach that certain subject.I believe that proper training needs to be given to all teachers before they enter a school because they are teaching the future leaders of tomorrow.They need to be well equipped with knowledge and not teach any students the wrong thing.I think the government should really have regular programs for teachers to be up to date with the subject they are teaching and well rounded as well.Education is so important and it is the key to a better nation.

There are also models I want to talk about that is in my syllabus which are:-

Tyler Model

This model,objectives derive from students needs and society.Learning experiences relate to objectives,activities organised by teacher should be integrated into subject matter and instructional outcomes should be evaluated.I think this model really speaks a lot.We need our objectives to derive from student needs and society because that is what education is about and that is to prepare our younger generation to be great adults and equip them with necessary knowledge to be able to succeed,survive and contribute in this world.I also love the idea of how the instructional outcomes are evaluated because not everything done by teachers will be a 100 percent effective or perfect,evaluations need to happen in order to continue to improve.

To me,this model is pretty similar to the Tyler model,not completely but they are similar.
The first step is to diagnose the learners' needs and the Tyler Model makes sure the objectives of education are suited for the student needs which I think is about the same.The last step is to determination of what to evaluate and means of doing it which is extremely important as I have said above about how important evaluation is.All in all,they are both good models and I would use any of them to teach a class because of its relevant steps in helping my students achieve their goals.


Cite a Website - Cite This For Me. (2016). Retrieved 25 November 2016, from
Cite a Website - Cite This For Me. (2016). Retrieved 25 November 2016, from
High School Musical - Get'cha Head In The Game. (2016). YouTube. Retrieved 25 November 2016, from
Teach every child about food | Jamie Oliver. (2016). YouTube. Retrieved 25 November 2016, from

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Week 5

Hello fellow bloggers.It is week five of my reflection.There was no class this week for curriculum development again because of the Deepavali holidays but none of my friends in my group were celebrating.Hence,we decided to discuss about our group assignment instead which assigned us to designed a curriculum based on our chosen approach and major.We all agreed to meet up at my house for discussion.At first we wanted to use the flip classroom approach and design our curriculum solely using the flip classroom approach but we were a bit confused with the components of the assignment.We did not really understand what the assignment asked of us.We did not want to do the wrong thing.So,my group member Hannee,volunteered to meet our lecturer Mr Wan to get clearer explanations regarding the project and we were given a lot of clarification because we now know what to do.Hannee explained everything to us through whatsapp and we split our assignment from there.Mr Wan also told Hannee that we were only allowed to choose from four approaches which were behavioural approach,managerial approach,systems approach and humanistic approach.My group mates and I chose to use the behavioural and humanistic approach because we were more familiar with these two approaches.We then chose English as our major subject to design the curriculum.

As of now,Lovelyn is currently in charge of part A which requires her to answer the purpose of our course and the reason why we chose the approaches we have chosen.Hannee is in charge of component 1 and 2 which are about the aims,goals and objectives and subject matter.I volunteered to do the component about evaluation and experience because I think I have a pretty good idea of how to do this part of the assignment.I have watched many videos about pedagogy on websites like Tedx and Youtube and I also have been taught by many great teachers which I look up to.Hence,I believe I can do a pretty good job at answering how our curriculum will be carried out to enhance the experience of the students and how students can truly be evaluated.I feel that this assignment is truly a stepping stone for us to become better teachers,to understand our students,to create better ways to educate them and to evaluate them.That is pretty much all I have to say about our assignment this week.Till next time fellow bloggers.

But if I were to be doing question A I would say that curriculum development is needed for our students to progress and it is needed to teach students new things that are happening in our world that is ever changing.When our curriculum develops it helps develops our society as well as better citizens and I think that the Malaysian government has saw that our students are just memorising their textbooks without thinking creatively and innovatively which is needed in our country now.Hence,they abolished PMR and replaced it with PT3.The SPM format has changed quite a bit as well.Now,students are asked questions which requires more critical thinking to help enhance their thinking skills.

As for the approaches.I would say that we chose the humanistic approach because I believe that it helps a student become more independent.It focuses on child-centred learning and students are responsible for their own education.They get the joy of discovery things during their learning process and the humanistic approach helps a child feel good about themselves when they learn.I feel that this is the type of approach many schools always talk about implementing but rarely establish this approach in their classrooms because it is too time consuming.Many teachers in the western culture are using these sort of approaches and they focus a lot on student-centred learning.Whereas teachers in asian countries like China are quite against this type of approach.I recently watched a video on Youtube showing the contrast between the Chinese way of learning which focuses a lot on memorising,100 percent teacher-centred and discipline and the British way of learning which focuses more on student-discovery or student-centred learning.

Here's the video.According to my sentiments,I prefer the British system way more.Moving on,I would have stated that the behaviourist approach was important because although student centred learning is good,there are times when we need boundaries and we need some teacher-centred classes.Learning through the behaviourist approach comes with the operant and classical conditioning.It is about praises,punishments and consequences.Sometimes we need to have a goal to work towards so we need positive conditioning.For example,if my teacher praises me in front of the whole class,I would work harder to receive more praises to feel proud of myself.Punishments are needed as well but not to a drastic and cruel extent.Mr Wan told us that asking students to stand under the hot sun for a whole hour is abuse.We should instead punish them by taking away things they like.For example,not allowing them to go for recess or their break.

Moving on,I am not sure what Hannee is going to write for the aim,goals and objectives or the subject matter.We just have to wait and see but since we are doing English,I am pretty sure the general aim is to help students become better at the language and learn to be more proficient in the language.I will update you readers next week.For now,that is all from me.


Are Our Kds Tough Enough Chinese School | Season 1 Episode 3 - YouTube. (2016). YouTube. Retrieved 5 November 2016, from
Humanistic Approach vs. Behaviourist Approach to Teaching. (2016). Psycho4Stats. Retrieved 5 November 2016, from